
My first session was really incredible! Even though I live thousands of miles away in Vienna, Austria, I wanted to do biofeedback as Heather (Mrs.Watson) had told me about the possibility of doing biofeedback therapy from remote anywhere in the world, so we set up a time, and did the session over the phone. I sat in a comfortable and peaceful place, and answered the questions, trying to consciously stay open and accept what was being sent. I was open to see what happened, but not sure what to expect. As the time went by I experienced a sensation of coming back together, as if all the different parts of my spirit, body and soul were being restored. It was like when all the pieces of a puzzle fall into place, the puzzle being you, and the pieces all those parts of yourself which fall apart through lack of attention or stress. The session seemed to fly by, and at one point during a relaxation exercise I was able to become so relaxed that I almost fell asleep! After it was over, as it was evening, I drank some water because we found out through the therapy that I needed to drink more, and then went to bed. My lucid dreaming was activated in therapy and I noticed a marked increase in the frequency and quality of my dreams, and dream activity over the next couple of weeks. It is really amazing to realize that even over distance and time zones we were able to work out so many problems, and that the results could last for so long!

I hadn’t felt that peaceful and whole for the longest time, and I would definitely recommend this technique to anyone because of the immediate and noticeable results, and the flexibility of location as well. You can do the therapy from anywhere in the world, when traveling, in an emergency, whenever! It’s really fantastic to live such an experience and have the support and guidance of such a well trained and positive therapist. This is a therapy for everyone, anywhere, anytime!

– Michelle Herzog
Vienna, Austria

The session was very relaxing, so much so that I even feel asleep. I felt like my stress level was significantly reduced. Thank you!
–K. G. Pedersen
Riverside, California
I was skeptical at first, but I noticed a definite increased feeling of well being. I felt more relaxed than I have in years after my session. Thank you!
–D. O’Connor
My first session with Heather was one of incredible self-discovery. There are no words to describe the thoughts and feelings I had while Heather was reading my biofeedback. It was as if she was a guide with a road map to my mind and body, and she was able to link traumas that I have experienced in the past with medical problems that I was experiencing.
In addition to helping me discover my mind-body connection, she was also able to diagnose the areas of my health that needed immediate attention. I was never good at taking care of myself, but learning how lack of healthy choices was directly impacting me put it all in perspective. Hearing some medical advice on the TV from someone I don’t know about something that may or may not impact me does not compare to Heather being able to find MY problems, what MY symptoms are, and what ACTION I need to take. The information that Heather gave me is powerful, unique to me as an individual, and encourages changes that can last the rest of my life.
My second session with Heather was even more amazing, because by that time I had moved 1,000 MILES AWAY! I admit I was a little doubtful she would be able to reveal much from so far, but after being on the phone with her for less than an hour she knew things about me that I had not even mentioned before. The most unusual thing that I cannot explain was the moment Heather told me I must be having dental problems. When I told her I was going to the dentist the next day to fill two cavities, we were both joyful that there was yet another confirmation of the power of distance healing and biofeedback! She was also able to see that I had been suffering from insomnia and hip joint pain for the last week, something she could not have known beforehand.
There are more revealing moments I am sure would fill 10 more pages of testimony, so I just want to say that my experience with Conscious Wellness has been mind-blowing, insightful, and powerful. I want to recommend Conscious Wellness to everyone I know, even if they think they are healthy. Using her knowledge and technology, Heather can see beyond skin deep in a way that is difficult to explain.
Heather Watson attends to her clients in a loving, caring and respectful way. I really felt the warmness and goodness of her heart. She has a noticeable desire to help people to heal. After a session I have a feeling of being loved very much, like a warm hug that lasts a long time. 
–P. O’Connor
I have always been interested in personal growth and well-being, so when I found out about biofeedback therapy, I was fascinated. I remember my first session with Heather Watson as being a calming, refreshing experience. In the course of the session, I also had a personal revelation that surprised me and helped me understand myself better. Despite the fact that I  had a very stressful day before I had met with Heather, I felt totally relaxed and centered after the session. I slept like a baby that night. For the next day or two, I continued to have that wonderful peaceful feeling. I felt like a more whole person, and I am delighted to say that that is a feeling that has stayed with me for months.
–M. Riter
California, USA


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